Page 56 - Part A
P. 56

Counselling Skills

                     The key elements of cognitive behavioural theory

                   Aaron Beck was the founder of cognitive behavioural theory. The theory focuses on
                   how people think and how their thoughts influence the way that they behave.

                       D       Definition: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

                             ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an action-oriented
                             form of psychosocial therapy that assumes that maladaptive,
                             or faulty, thinking patterns cause maladaptive behaviour and
                             ‘negative’ emotions. (Maladaptive behaviour is behaviour that
                             is counter-productive or interferes with everyday living.) The
                             treatment focuses on changing an individual’s thoughts in order
                             to change his or her behaviour and emotional state.’

                             Source:  The Free Medical Dictionary

                   When working with patients suffering from depression, Beck found that they
                   commonly experienced a deluge of negative thoughts that presented themselves
                   spontaneously. He called these ‘automatic thoughts’, and discovered that their
                   content fell into three categories:

                         1.   Negative ideas about themselves

                         2.   Negative thoughts about the world

                         3.   Negative thoughts about the future.

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