Page 49 - Part A
P. 49

Counselling Skills

                   Other descriptions might be:

                         •   Like turning on a light

                         •   A ‘eureka’ moment of inspiration when you realise something for the
                             first  time

                         •   Coming out of a fog into clear light.

                   Examples of such situations could include a person’s understanding of their
                   own sexuality or insight into a relationship problem, or perhaps a realisation
                   about their parentage.

                   The arrival of insight has to be managed carefully by the counsellor. Sometimes
                   insight can result in a great sense of relief. On the other hand, if arrived at too
                   early, it may produce pain and distress as it dawns on the person what has been
                   happening to them.

                   In order to avoid this, the skilled psychodynamic counsellor tries to enable the client
                   to approach insight one step at a time, as they develop the mental strength to cope
                   with the realisation about what is going to be revealed. Although the counsellor may
                   guide this process, the client will only achieve insight/catharsis when they are ready
                   to do so, however difficult and painful that may be.

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