Page 36 - Part A
P. 36

Counselling Skills

                   Responsibility for the success, or otherwise, of the helping relationship ultimately lies
                   with the client, but the helper also shares some responsibility. As the termination of
                   the helping relationship grows closer, the helper should clarify the positive outcomes
                   and help the client to formulate a plan that allows them to maintain and build on
                   the progress that they have achieved, and not slip back into previous patterns of
                   thought or behaviour. For example, how might an individual’s relationship with their
                   stepchildren have improved over the course of therapy.

                   Finally, the helper should direct the client back to their GP should they need any help
                   or support in the future as short-term therapists cannot always promise further help.
                   Long term/private therapy can allow the counsellor to offer further support if needed.

                   Summary: Useful strategies

                   Useful strategies for ending relationships include:

                         •   Have a period of distancing prior to termination

                         •     Review and evaluate the helping process, paying particular attention
                             to the progress made by the client

                         •     Formulate a plan with the client to carry forward or maintain the
                             progress made

                         •     Assure the client of help in the future if it should be required, and make
                             sure that they are aware of other sources of support and help that may
                             be appropriate for them to use.

                       C          Case Study: Ending a relationship

                              Jack was able to look at the impact of his redundancy on his
                              relationships with his wife and step children and discussed with the
                              counsellor his increased understanding of his reliance on alcohol as
                              a means of dealing with his feelings of guilt, about not contributing
                              fully to the financial needs of his family. He also discussed his
                              feelings of ‘being lesser of a man’ and realised how this had
                              affected his feelings towards his wife. He felt safe in expressing
                              these feelings in the counselling sessions and now felt able to
                              discuss these issues with his wife and family now the sessions had
                              ended. He also discussed setting time aside to be with his wife and
                              looking at how they can approach the problems together.

                                  Key Fact

                              Helping relationships should be ended sensitively and with respect.

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