Page 10 - Part A
P. 10

Counselling Skills

                                Key Fact: British Values

                              The counsellor’s role is not to change the client but to help the
                              client to change – the client has begun this process of change
                              by seeking counselling in the first place. Counsellors may come
                              across clients with differing opinions. This falls into one of the
                              key values in Britain.

                              In Britain, we live in a democracy. In a democracy, people show
                              tolerance and respect for opinions that differ from their own and rely
                              on rational discussion, debate and evidence to win arguments over
                              decision making. This is a key value to remember, as counsellors
                              may one day find themselves in a situation where opinions differ.

                                  Key Fact

                              For the counsellor, or anyone who uses counselling skills, having
                              unconditional positive regard for someone means suspending any
                              judgements about them or their behaviour. Normally, we tend to
                              judge others according to our own beliefs and values.

                   2. Genuineness

                   Genuineness is also called congruence. Like unconditional positive regard,
                   genuineness is also an attitude that can be developed as a skill. It is perhaps the
                   most important basic skill for the counsellor because, often, clients can tell whether
                   the counsellor is genuine or not. They can tell if the counsellor is just ‘going through
                   the motions’, in which case they are not likely to be forthcoming with issues
                   of concern.

                   If the counsellor is perceived not to be genuine, the client will lack trust in both the
                   counsellor and the counselling relationship. A relationship in which the client cannot
                   explore issues and make progress will not develop.

                   Genuineness comes from a desire to help the client find the solutions to their
                   problems, it is not solving the problems for them. It is strongly linked to having
                   unconditional positive regard. It means that the counsellor has to be authentic
                   and not put on a façade.

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