Page 4 - Part A
P. 4

Counselling Skills

                   Stop and Think Key

                   Throughout this unit, you will be asked to complete activities to help with your
                   English and maths skills and to allow you to stretch and challenge yourself in
                   relation to using counselling skills and personal development. These activities are
                   designed to encourage your development throughout the course and to allow you
                   to extend your key knowledge as you progress through the course.

                               Stop and Think: English

                               Whenever you see this icon, there will be an activity which encourages
                               you to demonstrate your English skills. Completing these activities will
                               allow you to practice literacy components and may stretch you beyond
                               your existing skills which will then improve your general abilities.

                              Stop and Think: Maths

                              Whenever you see this icon, there will be an activity which
                               encourages you to demonstrate your maths skills. These activities
                               will help you with your personal and professional development.
                               Completing these activities will allow you to practice mathematical
                               components and may stretch you beyond your existing skills which
                               will then improve your general abilities.

                               Stop and Think: Stretch and challenge yourself

                               Whenever you see this icon, there will be an activity which encourages
                               you to stretch and challenge yourself in relation to using counselling
                               skills and personal development. These activities will help you with
                               your personal and professional development and allow you to think
                               about certain situations and scenarios in more detail.

                                 Stop and Think: Behaviour and attitudes

                               Whenever you see this icon, there will be an activity which encourages
                               you to consider your own behaviours and attitudes in relation to using
                               counselling skills and personal development. These activities will help
                               you with your personal and professional development and will help
                               you to evaluate the skills you already have, and think about how you
                               approach various situations in the workplace.

                               British Values

                               You will also come across this British Values icon throughout the
                               course. Whenever you see this, it represents an area of learning that
                               emphasises British Values. Your understanding of these values is
                               crucial as you look to grow and develop as an employee and member
                               of your wider community.

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